The Tightlap Advantage
/All of our steel buildings roof, wall, and trim sheets are 26-gauge and have a 40-year limited warranty to protect against weathering, rust, and discoloration. To provide each of our customers with the highest quality steel buildings, we are committed to following the most stringent guidelines in the industry by conforming to state, local and federal design requirements.
We are one of the few companies in the industry to offer clear span Raised Center Aisle metal buildings. In addition to offering the strength and beauty of our regular Straight Gable metal buildings, this new breed of metal building features the attractive, trademark Raised Center Aisle roof-line.
Our steel buildings are meticulously designed so they can be used in a variety of ways. This includes hay and equipment storage, garages, workshops, riding arenas, commercial and industrial buildings up to 150' in width. All girts and purlins are manufactured from high tensile strengths domestic steel. These girts and purlins are pre-punched for easy erection. Rather than butting the purlins together at the mainframe, our purlins overlap to provide a stronger connection.
Our roll-formed sheets are manufactured in-house. Here are a few ways our sheets are standing out from the rest:
Rigid lap edge for less kinks when handling
Less edge wave created by rollforming
Creates a tighter seal for a cleaner look
Commercial Storefronts, Warehouses & Facilities